Excuse the excitement its been a LONG time coming and now back to the serious stuff like christmas Arghhhhhhh.
How did I get so caught up with weddings and being on tv that I forgot to do any christmas shopping....Normally I am done and dusted come August yes I know that is crazy but its true but this year not a single present is in my stash cupboard and we are only 43 days 1051 Hours and 63052 minutes away from the big day!
But before I hit the shops and sort out the rabbles gifts I thought I would share with you my "Yummy Mummy Luxe List" Ooooohhhhhh
It is made up of products that I have been sent to try and have loved or things that I am lusting after to help keep me a yummy Mummy!So without further ado......
1)Top of my list this year the "Nip + Fab" range Prices Vary.... Yes the whole range......! I have been using Eye fix for sometime now and it really is a life saver after the sleepless nights my 2 year old likes to give me. The whole range looks amazing and I definaletly wouldnt be disappointed if santa left any of it uner my tree but its the "Bust Fix" that I am dying to try I've read soooooo many good things about it and after having a child my "Bust" definately could do with a perk up.
2)Comvita Active Lifting Serum £40......Now this I was sent to try and review and Omg I cannot thank the people enough. Although it is quite pricey this wonderful little serum contains Manuka Honey which has amazing antibacterial properties. I have been using my serum twice a day on my face for the last month (Hence why its on my wishlist im running out!) or so and not only has it left my face looking tighter and healthier but it really helped clear up a massive spot outbreak right before my wedding.I would 100% recommend it to you yummy mummys as a splurge for the festive season it goes nicely under your foundation as a base and doesnt feel heavy or greasy on your skin.
3)Babyliss Thermo Ceramic Rollers £29.99.....Ok these are one of the things I have been lusting after.My hair is fine an limp at the best of times so come my wedding day after the hairdresser had been and turnt my lifeless locks into gorgeous tumbling curls I vowed to find a product that would help me achieve the same look from home and after hours of trawling the web and looking at reviews these are what I have my heart set on. I'm hoping that if I get them I'll be walking around like a glamourpuss with gorgeous curls everday and of course if I do get them and they are amazing I will let you all know!
4)Trilogy Nourishing Body Lotion £15.50.....This is a lush lotion and its very apt for christmas as it contains frankincense! I was sent it to try by the same lovely people who sent me the comvita serum so they are my favourite people at the moment lol and it has a lovely scent to it almost fruity. Like the comvita serum it absorbs into the skin easily and isnt greasy and it leaves your skin feeling supple and quenched afterwards. But the great thing about the trilogy lotion is that it contains natural oils that will help restore elasticity and moisture to your skin which as the weather gets colder is going to be needed! Just beware your mum may try to steal it as mine did!
5)Benefit Primpcess £25..... I am a benefit-aholic I LOVE their products and their fabulous little kits make great christmas pressies *** Hint Hubby if your reading this***. The Primpcess kit is especially for eyes and promises to get you glamourizing yourself in no time with a handy step by step guide and all the products that you need. And the best part about having a great little kit like this is that it doesnt take up much space in your handbag or changing bag (well we all know mummys usually come attached to one of these) leaving you looking yummy all day!
So Santa my list is done i've been very good this year and I'll even sit on your knee if I have to!