Its from the fabulous Barry M and it's the Mushroom colour. Now I have heard alot of people liken it to Chanels Particuliere. And I have to say it is very close, Particuliere has a bit more of a sheen to it then the Barry M one but it doesnt change the colour at all. Mushroom was a bit darker then I expected but then I did have to do 2 coats so I think with just 1 coat it would have given a better "nude" type colour.
As always with Barry M the brush was great and it applied easily (I was rushing hence the 2 coats). Ive had it on for over a week now and it has only just started to chip off and I think thats a result of all the housework at the moment not inferiour quality nail polish!
Definately worth adding to your polish collection in time for autumn it will look great with all the rusts and creams about at the moment! And at only £2.99 on Funky Divaa you could even buy a couple of colours!
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