So off I went with my 2 year old in tow to do just that. And I have to say I was suprisingly impressed. They had a massive selection to pick from ranging from freaky face paints to devilish decorations and all for a pound.
Basket in hand me and my daughter were soon laughing away trying on witches hats and cat ears before settling upon what we wanted.Quick stop at the till and we're on our way looking forward to halloween when we get to show everyone our stash.
And for all those people who wont get to see what we got for our £10 here is a list of the pocket friendly products we grabbed:
Spiders web wings (Purple)
Girls Lace Tutu (Purple & Black)
Girls Purple Halloween Top
20 Halloween Balloons
Inflateable Halloween Chair (Purple)
Halloween Candy Loot Bucket
Haribo Horror Mix
Spooky Popcorn
40 Horror Pops
Halloween Bubble Sword (Purple)
My little girl is going to look very cute on halloween as a purple witch and I will of course post a picture when the day comes of her in her get up. But until then if your looking for some fright fest treats for your kids get on over to poundland and see just how far your pound will go!