Wednesday, 19 September 2012

When did my little girl grow up so much!

Having my little boy has made me realise that my little girl has grown up before my eyes without really realising! Which makes me feel like an awful mummy :( She's turnt from a fun loving toddler into a beautiful princess thats obsessed with "pretty dresses" in her words lol. She even likes to sit with me when im putting my make-up on and play with my brushes copying mummy. Here she is on our wedding day our little alice in wonderland
Biased I know but she's so sweet lol I just hope her little brother doesn't grow up so fast

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Review: Angelcare Foetal Doppler

So this is sort of a review but also a huge "awwwwwww" mummy moment aswell. The wonderful people at The Baby Directory sent me an Angelcare Foetal Doppler to test and hopefully relieve some of my constant panic sessions lol. Ive used it a couple of times now...the first time i used it was within minutes of it being delivered lol but I got it out today as my 3 year old daughter was asking if she could talk to the baby and I thought it would be nice if she could hear the baby while she chatted to it about her nanny and grandad! Awwwww. Now onto the technical stuff lol. This is what the device looks like:
It is priced from £34.99 It comes with headphones, a recording cable so you can record the baby’s heartbeat and kicks to a CD, mobile phone or MP3 player and a little tube of ultrasound gel. The transducer is only a small part of the overall device but that actually means its easier to angle to where the baby is in my opinion anyway.And as I am by no means a professional it does take me awhile to find the baby's heartbeat. Also as a word of warning if you dont want to deafen yourself (trust me I learnt from experience) I recommend only having the volume on low to start with while you find the baby and then turn the volume up! All in all it is very easy to use as long as you have the patience to chase your baby around your tummy lol and it's a great way of getting any younger children involved with the pregnancy....oh and hubby too! I definately recommend it if like me you are constantly worried about every niggle or if you dont feel any movements for awhile and you dont want to pester your midwife every 5 minutes! And if like me you know lots of pregnant women at the moment you can do what we did the other day and have a bump party and pass it around lol.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Well hello everyone I know it has been months since I last posted but we have been having a right nightmare with our internet (thankyou sky!) and then add into that a few complications with my pregnancy too and I seem to have spent most of my pregnancy up a hospital :( Oh well today is a new day as they say and it happens to be my daughters 3rd birthday too soo a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little princess mya. I am now 26 weeks pregnant and at our last scan we were excited to learn that bubba no 2 is a boy! So thats hubby chuffed. It seems like only yesterday we were at this stage with my daughter but my how time flys. Anyway i'll sign off for now with a promise to start blogging regularly again as soon as I can. I'll also have some reviews and stuff coming on shortly so keep your eyes out!

Monday, 30 January 2012

Pregnant rant

So I am currently 14 weeks pregnant with baby no 2 and my baby bump is blossoming faster then I can say morning sickness!

And its this very fact that has led me to my current rant! Why oh why are there no stylish yet affordable maternity clothes!!!!!!!

I have spent hours trawling shops and the internet in the search for some fashionable but budget friendly maternity wear and so far everything has either been dowdier then the contents of my mothers wardrobe or sooooo expensive I will have given birth before I can afford it.

Is it simply the rules that you must spend all 9 months of your pregnancy wearing nothing but baggy jeans and plain vests or t-shirts that broadcast the fact you have a bump?

How hard is it for someone to do maternity sized wet look leggings and on trend tops for the mum to be whos on a night out?

Luckily I have not yet gained much weight and am just about still in my pre pregnancy clothes but it wont last much longer, so if anyone knows of somewhere to buy some modern maternity clothes please let me know!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

My Skin Story with Bio-Oil

Im sure all of you have heard of Bio-Oil before the wonder oil for scars and stretch marks.

Well awhile ago they sent me a sample to try in exchange for my "skin story" and after awhile of using it I'm now ready to post my tale up.

Everyones story is different and mine started after the birth of my daughter. I was one of the unlucky people that got very bad stretch marks all over my belly and boobs. Infact they were so bad on my stomach that it looked like I had a tide rippling over it leaving me very self-conscious about things like going swimming or letting people see my tummy.

If anyone one out there is the same I know how you feel trust me it really gives you a knock.

But there was a light at the end of my tunnel in the shape of a sweet smelling nectar the promised to reduce the appearance of my stretch marks. Now I was sceptical to begin with as I had tried so many other lotions and potions and nothing had had any effect and I was sure I was destined to resemble a beach for the rest of my life. But to my suprise after several months of using it now I can honestly say those dark purple tiger stripes that I once felt so ashamed of have definately faded alot and are now more silvery then purple and much less noticable.

Im still using it daily now and having just found out baby no 2 is on the way I intend on using it all the way through and beyond this pregnancy in the hope that I avoid such dramatic stretching this time round! And who knows maybe soon i'll be able to face that bikini.

So thats my skin story, whats yours!