So I bet your wondering what the hell my title is all about? Well I will tell you. Today I have started the "Zagorra HotPants 2 week challenge" using the pants that the lovely people at Zagorra sent me to trial.Now for those of you that havent heard of "HotPants" this is how they are supposed to work:
"HOTPANTS™ help you achieve more with less, maximising your workout and attacking those areas that you care about. Super comfortable, you can wear them indoors, outdoors, in bed at night or during the day, on their own or under your gear.
Specially designed with our Celu‐Lite™ technology, they work to reduce body fat and the visible appearance of cellulite by using your natural body heat to warm your muscles by increasing your perspiration with the effect of potentially reducing 2 jean sizes in 2 weeks."
Now who doesnt want to drop 2 jean sizes in 2 weeks? When I first removed them from the pack and put them on I'll be honest I did think "omg I look ridiculous" they're like a wetsuit and I kind of felt like I was wearing a nappy. But after about 10 minutes they warmed up and felt comfortable enough for me to do the school run with them safely hidden under my jeans.
The challenge Zagorra have set us is to measure and weigh ourselves, wear the "iconic" pants everyday for 2 weeks, re-weighing and measuring weekly to see the results. And fingers crossed after 2 weeks wear we will be 2 sizes smaller!
I was sceptical to begin with as you would expect "surely its not possible to lose weight so quickly just by wearing a pair of pants?" but from looking at their website and their facebook page people are getting results and it was this that intrigued me so much that I just had to try them.I'm hoping that by continuing my slimavite diet with my 30 day shred and now these wonderful pants that I will be bikini ready in time for my long awaited holiday on august the 6th!
And I will of course keep you all up-to-date with my HotPant Challenge
If you want to check them out for yourselves you can find them here: