Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 28

Back after a little weekend away and i have to say i am quite proud of myself with the exception of a few too many sausages at a BBQ i have stuck completely to my slimavite diet i even managed to fit in over an hours worth of trampolining! Although i am still dreading the weigh-in on Thursday lol. I think the trick is going to be to boost my exercise for the week and see if i can get the loss back on track again so zumba here i come!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 23

OK so i weighed in this morning Ive been struggling this week i have to say... not with the shakes or staying on the diet but with a horrible mood that i just cannot shift i think its because so many of my friends also dieting are having such amazing success but I'm persevering and I WILL STICK TO IT......Anyway to the thing that you really want to know this weeks weight loss ............It was half a pound :( not much but still a loss at least and who knows next week it may be more.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 22

Just thought id update everyone on how I'm getting on ahead of tomorrows weigh in! Still enjoying the shakes but starting to lose motivation eek. After the first weeks weight loss i was ever hopeful that the weight would keep falling off at that astonishing rate and then with last weeks 0 reading i was devastated i know i have to keep going or it wont work but this week I've been wondering are bad genes to blame? Will i be this weight forever?...... :(

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 16 and weigh in

OK so i weighed in this morning :( and i have to say that although it was no where near as bad as i thought it would be after this weekend i am a bit disappointed with myself for slipping. So without further ado my weight loss for last week was..........Nothing! I didn't lose any more weight the only bonus being that my pizza gorge didn't put any weight on either. This weekend i will behave! its only ever weekends that i struggle with during the week its fine but at weekends when my other half is home temptation acts as the little devil sitting on my shoulder lol although he doesn't help matters with his pizza and Chinese runs lol

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 15

So now the disaster at home is calming down normal activities can resume including a new blog post! I'm still doing ok on the shakes with the exception of a really bad slip up this weekend just gone courtesy of kids eat free at pizza hut! Although most of what i ate was salad the unlimited salad bar and yummy sauces are my downfall so I'm not expecting my weigh in tomorrow to be a happy one :(   On a side note i did add some blended up kiwi to a strawberry shake the other day with a rather tasty result!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 9

Having a horrible week here but made the time to weigh myself and post today! Still been going well with the diet and I'm actually quite enjoying the shakes, i even got up the courage to weigh myself today and drum roll please....*drummmmmmm roll*........I have lost 3 lb not massive amounts i know but hey its a definite loss! I hope all my other diet buddies are getting on ok too and hopefully by the end of the week our nightmare at home will be over and i can catch up with you all.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 6

Ok didnt post over the weekend as barely had time for my feet to touch the floor let along post hahaha. Diet is going well didnt struggle as much as i thought i would over the weekend with the exeption of a rather generous slice of birthday cake! Back on it today and more determined than ever after booking my summer holiday last week! I must be swim wear ready!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 3

Day 3 of my diet and not slipped yet....i know that's not exactly a milestone but hey. I think tomorrow will be hard though its our friends 50th birthday party and they always do lots of wonderful party food , and as we all know when its just sat there you tend to go a bit mad. The only question is shall i be sad and take my shake with me or shall i treat myself to a sausage roll?

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Slimavite Diet Day 2

So that's the lunchtime shake for day 2 demolished, i had the chocolate flavour today and i have to say it was actually very tasty i sometimes find hot chocolates and chocolate milkshakes too synthetic tasting but this did taste of real chocolate. So far i have to say i am very impressed aside from the obvious addition of some sort of fibre (bits in the milkshake) they're nowhere near as bad as i thought they'd be. I'm even contemplating adding some fresh fruit to the shakes such as kiwi in the strawberry one!Now just to keep resisting the urge to demolish the mountain of Easter eggs still hanging round our house

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Day 1 of my Slimavite shake's diet

So yesterday i finally received my slimavite shakes (all these bank holidays we've had have played havoc with our post lol). And this morning i started my quest to lose 2 and a half stone with my very first shake! The lovely people at slimavite have sent me one of each of their 3 flavours, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and a shaker to mix it all up in that contains a rather funky looking widget to stir it.The idea is that in conjunction with your profile on their website where you will find tips and information on your "bites" for the day you take 2 shakes, 1 for breakfast and 1 for lunch then eat a normal main meal in the evening (healthy of course).This morning i chose strawberry, I'd been a bit sceptical about how they would taste and after my fiance's initial reaction when he sniffed the powder (gagged rather loudly!) i was a tad worried, but i have to say it was rather tasty and not that different to my favourite wholegrain shakes. For lunch i think i will try the vanilla shake and although it is still VERY early days i do feel that as they taste so nice i will be able to keep up with this diet. I will be blogging here along the weight with full information about how i am getting on and ill also publish my weight loss figures so we can all see how i am doing!

Current weight: 13 stone
Target weight: 10 stone 5 lb

Why not checkout Slimavite for yourself at  http://www.slimavite.com/